Hello lovelies hope your all having a great day only one more until the weekend, and I have never been happier. Not much planned for this weekend apart from drinks after work tomorrow and then I want to get a few videos recorded for my YouTube. So any video suggestions are welcome. Today I have my monthly wishlist for you.
I am absolutely obsessed with this pleated material. I already have a gold pair of culottes from boohoo in the same material and they are the comfiest things ever. So obviously I need every colour and these co ords are so nice for either a casual look or a dressy one.
Yes I am obsessed with culottes I know! But god damn they are just so comfy and yet dressy at the same time its a win win I tell ya.
I love these cortez runners from Nike I used to have these in red when I was a kid and they where never off my feet. I seen a girl on instagram with a yellow and white pair if anyone knows where to get them ones let me know.
These are a must have for me and I will find a way to make them mine. They're sold out at the moment but I will have them. RihannaxPuma can do no wrong seriously.
UNIF just never fail to bring the rainbow goodness and I never fail to not want it all. Seriously thought the swimsuit with the shorts is perfect. GIMME!!
I only just found this swimsuit on the Motel site and I'm in love I will definitely be needing this for my holidays.
I'm going to leave it there for now hope you enjoyed this let me know if whats on ur wishlist below. Also any questions you can ask below or on my instagram @my_wardrobe_adventures.
Have a fab weekend